Autechre, and the Question of Quaristice

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man, who really cares?


I think Quaristice Versions is Autechre’s way of giving away an album for free. And it IS better than the original Quaristice, which I bought in FLAC format the day it was released. Thank you for sharing these tracks. It is the right thing to do! I already have them and share them and I see nothing wrong with that whatsoever.

Chris Burkhalter

On the question of the word “Versions,” I imagine it has a lot more to do with the heritage of dub versions, an idea which has left a massive imprint on electronic music (Basic Channel is a prime example). For more on this, peep this Wiki:


Interesting to see this disagreement between vils and simon, both of you make very valid points i think. I wonder how sean b would have defended this release in the light of the comments quoted. I won’t download it but wait a few weeks, to see if ebay prices drop (they usually do). I like to have the physical object. I already have the vinyl edition and ordered the lim ed. while this was listed at amazon for a few days, of course they did not have a copy for me. What annoys me is all those who ordered multiple copies and sells them on ebay for 100s of £. Or rips their copy and sell it. Warp / ae obviously didn’t hvae the intelligence to reduce it to one copy per person, with the result that many fans are pissed off.


i’m not deciding anything; Sean’s comments are emphatic on this matter, and yes, they are very ‘clear’ Nonetheless, since you feel unable to engage with my argument, here are two further thoughts for you:

  1. this is a release that is now OUT OF PRINT; therefore, offering it on here does not cause anyone to suffer financially; Autechre have sold all 1,000 copies of the special edition & made their £25,000;
  2. which is worse: putting them on here, with no financial implications, or selling them on eBay for a vastly inflated profit?

Incidentally, i don’t own the Special Edition, no; i’d very much like to get my hands on a copy, but not at the ridiculous prices on eBay!

Frank Verhoef

I’ve got the special edition and I’m happy they’ve done it this way.


You keep using the word ‘clearly, but who are you to decide what Autechre’s ultimate plan was behind this release? I think you are reading too much into a single quote from a single interview with a single member of Autechre.

Would that it have been ‘clear’ that open access be given to these tracks, I believe Autechre would have made it possible. I doubt it was a question of economics, seeing as general release double-disc sets are commonplace these days.

You obviously decided the regular edition wasn’t ‘enough’ for you, and so decided to splurge on the limited edition. How is that you now feel like you are obligated to ‘represent’ Autechre’s best intentions by posting all of these tracks on your public blog?

Clearly, you are making some rather hasty judgements, and so, again, I am disappointed in you posting these tracks.


i disagree; Sean Booth has clearly stated Autechre’s position on this, and the concept of their music being only obtainable as a “physical object” is not one, clearly, that they wish to entertain. In any case, “owning” these tracks is utterly different from owning the physical special edition, isn’t it? Or is it – therein lies the question at the heart of Quaristice


I am disappointed in you posting these tracks.

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