January 2017 listenings

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Daniel Childers

Striking though it may be, it’s difficult to see Under the Skin’s music having any real influence over the future of movie scores. For one thing, not many actually watched the movie containing it, so the listener base is inherently smaller, and for another, science-fiction movies/games of the 21st century are up against steep competition from both within themselves and from the general independent music scene; I enjoy Under the Skin’s music, but I also find it fairly repetitive, with a lack of content and internal development preventing it from being enjoyable as an album, and the obfuscated movie it’s attached to preventing me from enjoying it as a score.

The score for Jackie, on the other hand, is positioned in such a way that it could very well have a huge influence on the future of historical dramatization. It rejects the period music approach and straightforward emotive score for something much more emotionally opaque, functioning alongside the movie in an attempt to make the old feel new and fresh, make the historical figures on-screen feel present and contemporary; it’s a bigger gamble than you give it credit for, and in a genre as stagnant as that of the historical drama, it stands head and shoulders over its competitors.

In a nutshell; I have no intention of ever listening to Jackie’s score in isolation, but if more films adopted its audacity, I’d probably go out to the movies a lot more often.

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