Days of wrath and mourning: Berlioz’ Grande Messe des Morts

by 5:4

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I am surprised he is still singing! He is in his, oh, mid-sixties, perhaps nearer 70. I always liked his voice but while I shall always be grateful for his help I have to say that I always thought he was rather too full of the joys of being Robert Tear.


Hi, i hope you like the Berlioz; it’ll be clear how much i love the work. i heard Robert Tear some time last year (a broadcast on TV); not sure how long ago the performance was, but his voice didn’t appear to have aged very well. But here, in the Sanctus, he’s marvellous!


Sorry to read about the headache.


I am delighted to have this, thank you! When I saw it on classical_share I thought “Oh, interesting. I don’t know this work and should get 5/4 to tell me something about it. Then I came here and voilà! I am looking forward to hearing this later this evening (I am about to go to a piano recital b y Michael Roll and then a symphony concert tonight (Tschaikovsky4 and Stravinsky Violin Concerto).By the way, Robert Tear was a friend of mine(and vocal coach) in the ’70’s.

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