ConcertsPremières Size isn’t everything (but it is something): Sorabji – Organ Symphony No. 2 by 5:4 June 17, 2009 • 23:01 written by 5:4 June 17, 2009 • 23:01 2.3K This page is only available to Patreon patrons! To view this content, you must be a member of Simon's Patreon at $2 or more Unlock with Patreon Kaikhosru Shapurji SorabjiorgansymphonyUK 4 comments 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestRedditEmail Subscribe Login Notify of new follow-up comments new replies to my comments Label {} [+] Name* Email* Website Label {} [+] Name* Email* Website 4 Comments Oldest Newest Most Voted Inline Feedbacks View all comments jacob 13 years ago it seems that part 5.rar is no longer on the server (the other four are). will it be back up in the future? thanks! 5:4 14 years ago @ Michael – no, none of Sorabji's scores are available online. Michael Golzmane 14 years ago Does anyone know if the score to this piece (or any of Sorabji's organ music) is available anywhere online? I know a bunch of his piano music is available at, but I have yet to find scores to his organ music. Thanks! icastico 15 years ago Lovely stuff you've got here. 5 against 4 just happens to be one of my favorite syncopations.
it seems that part 5.rar is no longer on the server (the other four are). will it be back up in the future? thanks!
@ Michael – no, none of Sorabji's scores are available online.
Does anyone know if the score to this piece (or any of Sorabji's organ music) is available anywhere online? I know a bunch of his piano music is available at, but I have yet to find scores to his organ music.
Lovely stuff you've got here.
5 against 4 just happens to be one of my favorite syncopations.