Loved it. The work’s brevity is essential; What works in three minutes would pall in six and bore in ten, but here remains fresh. Their juxtaposition with the held notes made the breathing-through-the-instrument sections more effective than I anticipated in my pre-read through the score, and their culmination with the paced breathing wrapped up the pice nicely.
Speaking of scores, LOVED the study score! It’s already wonderful that you include the audio where possible, but seeing the score helps immensely. Having enjoyed Linda Catlin Smith’s “Nuages” at your recommendation, I bought the score to double my fun, but at $10 US that doesn’t scale too well. Your inclusion of a watermarked score was absolutely perfect and very much appreciated!
lance austin olsen
5 years ago
That is pretty damn nice.
John Harper
5 years ago
Some things are best not witnessed, or we are forever changed because of it.
Loved it. The work’s brevity is essential; What works in three minutes would pall in six and bore in ten, but here remains fresh. Their juxtaposition with the held notes made the breathing-through-the-instrument sections more effective than I anticipated in my pre-read through the score, and their culmination with the paced breathing wrapped up the pice nicely.
Speaking of scores, LOVED the study score! It’s already wonderful that you include the audio where possible, but seeing the score helps immensely. Having enjoyed Linda Catlin Smith’s “Nuages” at your recommendation, I bought the score to double my fun, but at $10 US that doesn’t scale too well. Your inclusion of a watermarked score was absolutely perfect and very much appreciated!
That is pretty damn nice.
Some things are best not witnessed, or we are forever changed because of it.