The Barry was oddly reminiscent for me of some of the obsessive, parallel-ly dissonant writing Schnittke was prone to, particularly in his later symphonies. Schnittke did it much better, mind!
Solo Fest
1 year ago
Roxanna Panufnik’s Floral Tribute created a distinctive sound world far away from “Grandma’s cloying rose-scented musical perfume.” The “oblique turns in the harmony” were “nice effects” precisely because the harmonic structure was so elusive. I loved the naughty notes. Were they microtonal? (genuine question) Kafka’s Earplugs sounded like muffled Messiaen.
The Barry was oddly reminiscent for me of some of the obsessive, parallel-ly dissonant writing Schnittke was prone to, particularly in his later symphonies. Schnittke did it much better, mind!
Roxanna Panufnik’s Floral Tribute created a distinctive sound world far away from “Grandma’s cloying rose-scented musical perfume.” The “oblique turns in the harmony” were “nice effects” precisely because the harmonic structure was so elusive. I loved the naughty notes. Were they microtonal? (genuine question)
Kafka’s Earplugs sounded like muffled Messiaen.