Gloria Coates, 1933-2023

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Tom Armstrong

Very sorry to hear this, Simon. That Lent series was the first time I came across Gloria’s work and found it very inspiring.

Christopher Culver

In case you weren’t aware, Neos will release shortly a disc of four orchestral works by Coates. I’m not much of a Coates fan, but I do like the Symphony No. 1 and I’m excited that we’ll get a recording by the Münchener Kammerorchester conducted by Ilan Volkov, more respected performers than on the Naxos cycle.

[…] voices of modern times, but also as one its most prolific recyclers. In the months before our unfortunately not-to-be Dialogue, i got more and more embroiled in the tangled labyrinth that is her oeuvre, painstakingly learning […]

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