i’m setting off this morning for a week’s vacation in Vienna. On this occasion i have no concerts in the diary at all, so for a change this will actually be a true holiday. More anon.
Today i’m setting off for the Faroe Islands, where for the next 10 days i’ll be up to my eardrums in sound at this year’s ISCM World New Music Days. i suspect it’s going to be equal parts exhilarating (because it’s the Faroes, and it’s been far too long since …
i recently gave an interview to VAN magazine, which was published yesterday and you can read here.
This morning i’m setting off for Estonia, where i’ll be spending two weeks at two festivals. The first is COMMUTE, in Tallinn, after which i’ll be heading south to Tartu for the Baltic / Estonian Music Days. Lots of words to follow once i’m back in early May.
Today’s the start of the annual Forum Wallis festival, so i’m away in the Swiss Alps for a couple of days to explore all that’s happening. Words to follow when i get back next week; meanwhile, the Lent Series will continue while i’m away.
i’m setting off this morning for the annual pilgrimage up north, where i’ll be experiencing the multifarious mucking about through the opening weekend of the Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival. Back early next week, with one or two words to follow.
i’m setting off for Kraków today, to attend the Sacrum Profanum festival. Words about that to follow once i get back from Poland, but while i’m away there’ll be more to come about AFEKT 2023.
This morning i’m travelling to Estonia to experience, for the first time, the Afekt festival. i’ll be back at the start of next month; words in due course.
At the moment, as will be abundantly obvious, 5:4 is experiencing some display issues. This appears to have stemmed from a plugin that earlier today wrought a bit of havoc under the hood, in the process messing up the visual theme i’ve been using. Having been inaccessible for a short …
First thing this morning i’m setting off for Oslo to catch the last few days of this year’s Ultima Festival. Words galore to follow in due course.
i was deeply saddened to receive a message around an hour ago, with the news that composer Gloria Coates has died. i only began to spend significant time with Gloria’s work last year, when it finally dawned on me just how fascinating and remarkable it is. This led to my …
i’m heading off today to Salzburg for a week’s vacation. For once, the trip will be essentially work-free, though i will be catching the performance of Messiaen’s Éclairs sur l’Au-Delà… at the Salzburg Festival while i’m there; words to follow once i’m back.
My annual pilgrimage to Eesti Muusika Paevad, the Estonian Music Days, begins today. i’ll be in Tallinn for the next ten days, immersing myself in all the goings-on, and all being well i’ll also be recording a new 5:4 Dialogue while i’m there. Words aplenty once i get back.
For those of you who still retain an interest – or even a smattering of excitement – for what the Proms festival has to offer, here’s a summary of the contemporary music that’ll be served up this year. No comment from me, except to say that, having explored all of …
i’m setting off today for the city of Trondheim, to experience the delights of this year’s Only Connect festival. Oodles of words to come once i get back next week.
This morning i’m setting for a few days in the Swiss Alps, checking out the long-delayed Forum Wallis festival in Leuk. The Lent Series will continue while i’m away, and i’ll be reporting on the (in all likelihood, weird and wonderful) goings-on in Switzerland once i’m back next week.
This morning i’m setting off for a week in Reykjavík, to experience all that’s going on during this year’s Myrkir músíkdagar, aka Dark Music Days. In my absence there’s a bit more free music to be explored, and there’ll be words galore when i get back from Iceland.
This afternoon i’m heading north for a few days to experience some of this year’s Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival. Words in abundance once i return next week.
i’m heading off to Norway this morning to catch a few days of this year’s Ultima festival in Oslo. Words aplenty to follow once i get back next week.
Following the death of Queen Elizabeth II, the final two concerts of this year’s Proms season have been cancelled as a mark of respect. Therefore, the last of this year’s planned new works, James B. Wilson‘s 1922, will not now take place, effectively bringing to an end my coverage of …