What a treat to be reminded of this album, and Musica Excentrica! There was so much interesting stuff coming from Russia in 2007/2008 or so. Going through my backups, it looks like I have most of the releases put out by Ilias Mikanaev and Nikita Golyshev on their family of netlabels (sadly not the FLACs; I probably wasn’t collecting lossless at the time). It’ll be great to revisit this material. It’s also got me turning back to Test Tube, which was another great label (or is? – the site is still up, but they don’t seem to have released anything since 2014).
Ah, Test Tube! i can’t have listened to more than about 1% of their releases but a number of them introduced me to artists i’m still passionate about. (And one Test Tube release, now re-released on Bandcamp, might be included in this year’s Free internet music series.) Yes, i assume Test Tube is effectively defunct now, as most of them are these days (though Impulsive Habitat is still going: http://impulsivehabitat.com/). The period from around 2007 onwards was when i was first really getting into netlabels – feels like a lifetime ago now!
What a treat to be reminded of this album, and Musica Excentrica! There was so much interesting stuff coming from Russia in 2007/2008 or so. Going through my backups, it looks like I have most of the releases put out by Ilias Mikanaev and Nikita Golyshev on their family of netlabels (sadly not the FLACs; I probably wasn’t collecting lossless at the time). It’ll be great to revisit this material. It’s also got me turning back to Test Tube, which was another great label (or is? – the site is still up, but they don’t seem to have released anything since 2014).
Ah, Test Tube! i can’t have listened to more than about 1% of their releases but a number of them introduced me to artists i’m still passionate about. (And one Test Tube release, now re-released on Bandcamp, might be included in this year’s Free internet music series.) Yes, i assume Test Tube is effectively defunct now, as most of them are these days (though Impulsive Habitat is still going: http://impulsivehabitat.com/). The period from around 2007 onwards was when i was first really getting into netlabels – feels like a lifetime ago now!